Vision & Mission

c2Sea Ministries and Evangelistic Association and Network is called to serve and equip the body of Christ with a passion for Jesus and be a part of seeing God’s dream for Canada fulfilled.  We are called to Christ and commissioned to Canada.  We are an evangelistic ministry and we are a part of a network of  believers in Jesus from all across Canada....In every city, town, village, and hamlet in Canada.....”from Sea to Sea”.... called to Christ. We come from all different backgrounds & denominations.  We are made up of people of all ages, cultures, and nations. We are not a denomination.  We do not replace your local church.  We are called into partnership with you and alongside of you to serve & help equip the body of Christ with an evangelistic thrust (ekballo) to the nation of Canada.  And, then bring healing to the nations.


 To awaken people to the reality of Jesus, being ignited by His fire, and engaged in victorious service with Him.

awaken.  ignite.  engage.


We are called to minister to believers and with believers. We are a ministry and a network. We unite around Jesus Christ and our mandate & mission is based on the theme scripture;

“He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, And from the River to the ends of the earth” (Psalm 72: 8 )


Arise and shine Canada, for your light has come!!  It’s all about JESUS...By His grace.  By His Spirit.  Canada......It’s TIME!!

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).


We build on friendship, grow in relationship, and connect in partnership...with a vision.

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